Church today, 30.april. 2012 - RSS
Church today, 30.april. 2012
- Call for disobedience: “Catholic bishops behave like feudal landlords “
- First line french constitution: an “indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic.”
- When things get tough for the clergy, bash the nuns
- Europe’s Resurgent Far-Right with a Catholic Footnot: “Same Politics of Scapegoating”
- 200 attend vigil at Papal Nuncio’s residence in support of censured priests
- The Vatican wants to take China for the papacy
- Censured priest warns over secrecy
- Issues for discussion at U.S. Bishop’s Conference 1995
- Silent Vigil outside Papal Nuncio’s Residence
- Bishops Play Church Queens as Pawns
- Has the ‘real Ratzinger’ come out to play
- 200 attend vigil at Papal Nuncio’s residence in support of censured priests
- Aufruf zum Ungehorsam: „Kath.Bischöfe führen sich auf wie Feudalherren“
- 1. Zeile Frankreichs Verfassung: eine “unteilbare, laizistische, demokratische und soziale Republik.”
- Atheistische Buskampagne-Reloaded erfolgreich in Stuttgart
- Evangelisation – «Missionswerke gehen kein unnötiges Risiko ein»
- Umstrittener US-Pastor verbrennt erneut Ausgaben des Koran
- Laïcité – From Wikipedia
- Appel à la désobéissance: «les évêques catholiques se comportent comme des seigneurs féodaux”
- Première ligne de la constitution francaise: une république «indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale.”
- Prima linea costituzione della Francia: una repubblica “indivisibile, laica, democratica e sociale “.
- Invito a presentare disobbedienza: “Vescovi cattolici comportarsi come i proprietari terrieri feudali “
Church today, 30.april. 2012
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