eg. Sathya Sai Organization Posted by robertpriddy on February 18, 2010
It is instructive to look at some present-day examples of what has clearly
been an endemic problem of religious institutions and sects worldwide – sexual
abuse, especially of children, both female and male.
The Roman Catholic Church has shown itself to be committed to major cover-up of sexual crimes and it continues to hinder prosecutions where it can. The heinous nature of this is matched by Sathya Sai Baba and his protectors, which includes a series of Indian Prime Ministers, Home Ministers and top Supreme and High Court judges. Sathya Sai Baba, if he could despite top protection as ‘a national treasure’ be brought to court and justice, would be liable to vast financial damages, such as which already bankrupted the Catholic Church in many U.S. States, despite it having now cynically insured itself in many countries against financial losses from claimants. (See extent here)
Sky News’ report on the wilful deceit by the Pope and
the Catholic Chruch over the vast sex abuse scandals worldwide
A two-day summit at the Vatican in Rome with Pope Benedict and 24 senior
clergy ended in the Pope condemning child sexual abuse as a heinous crime and a
sin against God.
As Colm O’Gorman said on Sky News [17-2-2010] “It was nothing more than a rather cynical PR exercise… We don’t need the Vatican to tell us that.” O’Gorman testified that the Pope’s latest announcement is part of a top-level “wilful and deliberate cover-up“. He detailed how history of Catholic sexual abuse and its cover-up goes back to the 1st century AD, but in recent decades has been truly excessive, as three state inquiries in Ireland have shown (eg. the Child Abuse Commission report of 2,600 pages and the Murphy Report).
The taxpayers have hitherto footed the £1.4 billion bill for compensation, while the Catholic Church – who should on Christian principles bear this expense – have paid out far less. Further, under the protection of the Vatican, the Catholic Church worldwide has insured itself against possible claims and has “put the interests of the institution, its wealth and its position ahead of the safety of children.” and “The Vatican made a “deceitful and dishonest statement” that it was “a problem in the governance of the national church in Ireland” (O’Gorman).
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Irish victims of clerical sex abuse have asked Pope Benedict XVI for over $1.37 billion in compensation, in a letter that the head of Ireland’s Catholic Church received.
As is seen on the image above, the Pope is the centre of a ring-kissing personality cult not entirely dissimilar – though far less charismatic than – that around Sathya Sai Baba, unlike whom the Pope has never been suspected of the oiling of genitals on spiritual aspirants. As a role model, his total passivity as to getting justice for criminal sexual acts – including widespread pedophilia - by his criminal officials shows where his true values are. The same applies with far greater force to Sathya Sai Baba, who is himself widely accused and accursed as an abuser of boys and young men on a large scale.
The Sathya Sai Organization is unaccountable and ignores all complaints – as once the Roman Catholic Church did until forced into admissions. This makes the organization party to widely alleged criminality and refusal to honour duty of care and mandatory reporting… just like the Vatican! While Sai Baba can hide behind Manmohan Singh and Co., Pope Benedict cannot hide behind Silvio Berlusconi. Indian society is at present far more inclined to cover-up (and thus prolong and virtually condone) the sexual abuse of children, especially when its Prime Ministers and Presidents worship such a person as Sathya Sai Baba.
It is officially documented by a commission under the auspices of the UN, the Indian Government and Save the Children that fifty-three per cent of India’s forty million children claim to have been sexually abused. That is over 20 million child victims!). See official Government report
The Roman Catholic Church has shown itself to be committed to major cover-up of sexual crimes and it continues to hinder prosecutions where it can. The heinous nature of this is matched by Sathya Sai Baba and his protectors, which includes a series of Indian Prime Ministers, Home Ministers and top Supreme and High Court judges. Sathya Sai Baba, if he could despite top protection as ‘a national treasure’ be brought to court and justice, would be liable to vast financial damages, such as which already bankrupted the Catholic Church in many U.S. States, despite it having now cynically insured itself in many countries against financial losses from claimants. (See extent here)

As Colm O’Gorman said on Sky News [17-2-2010] “It was nothing more than a rather cynical PR exercise… We don’t need the Vatican to tell us that.” O’Gorman testified that the Pope’s latest announcement is part of a top-level “wilful and deliberate cover-up“. He detailed how history of Catholic sexual abuse and its cover-up goes back to the 1st century AD, but in recent decades has been truly excessive, as three state inquiries in Ireland have shown (eg. the Child Abuse Commission report of 2,600 pages and the Murphy Report).
The taxpayers have hitherto footed the £1.4 billion bill for compensation, while the Catholic Church – who should on Christian principles bear this expense – have paid out far less. Further, under the protection of the Vatican, the Catholic Church worldwide has insured itself against possible claims and has “put the interests of the institution, its wealth and its position ahead of the safety of children.” and “The Vatican made a “deceitful and dishonest statement” that it was “a problem in the governance of the national church in Ireland” (O’Gorman).
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Irish victims of clerical sex abuse have asked Pope Benedict XVI for over $1.37 billion in compensation, in a letter that the head of Ireland’s Catholic Church received.
As is seen on the image above, the Pope is the centre of a ring-kissing personality cult not entirely dissimilar – though far less charismatic than – that around Sathya Sai Baba, unlike whom the Pope has never been suspected of the oiling of genitals on spiritual aspirants. As a role model, his total passivity as to getting justice for criminal sexual acts – including widespread pedophilia - by his criminal officials shows where his true values are. The same applies with far greater force to Sathya Sai Baba, who is himself widely accused and accursed as an abuser of boys and young men on a large scale.
The Sathya Sai Organization is unaccountable and ignores all complaints – as once the Roman Catholic Church did until forced into admissions. This makes the organization party to widely alleged criminality and refusal to honour duty of care and mandatory reporting… just like the Vatican! While Sai Baba can hide behind Manmohan Singh and Co., Pope Benedict cannot hide behind Silvio Berlusconi. Indian society is at present far more inclined to cover-up (and thus prolong and virtually condone) the sexual abuse of children, especially when its Prime Ministers and Presidents worship such a person as Sathya Sai Baba.
It is officially documented by a commission under the auspices of the UN, the Indian Government and Save the Children that fifty-three per cent of India’s forty million children claim to have been sexually abused. That is over 20 million child victims!). See official Government report
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